Top Five

So, Friday night I took my lovely self to the Anthony Hamilton concert and had a ball! That little man put on a show! Do you hear me? He can s-a-n-g sang, his band is talented, his back up singers are awesome, and they all seemed like they were having a great time.

I knew every song he sang, sang along with most of them, partied in the aisle (until my knees started hurting…) and actually left the venue slightly “dewy.” Talk about a good time!

And I did all of that all by my lonesome. Everybody I knew that was going to the concert was going with their S/O so that left me two options: go by myself or stay home. Really? There was only one option: go!

Let me tell you about the one negative in an evening full of pluses…I was sitting on the aisle and there were two ladies to my right. AH was singing “Cool” and all three of us were standing up, dancing and singing. All of a sudden we hear “sit yo ass down! I said sit yo ass down!” Um, no. So we kept doing what we were doing. And then again we heard it again “sit yo asses down! Can y’all hear me? Sit yo ass down!” I turned around and glared. Gave him the best mean mug I could and gave a head shake with my lips all twisted up. Old girl next to me told him to “stand his little ass up or shut the eff up! We paid our money and we’re here to have a good time!” I turned around and gave him a wink and a smile. Me and old girl high fived and kept right on doing what we were doing. I couldn’t believe his date let him talk to a bunch of women like that, but whatever. Loser.

And if anybody tells you that I rushed the stage to get up close and personal, dance, shake AH’s hand, and have my locs complimented by the base player? They’re not lying 🙂

Saturday morning LG was asking me if I was sad ’cause I had to go by myself. No ma’am. While it is always fun to get together and go with friends, my mama told me a long time ago if I want to go somewhere/see something/do something and I have the means and the time I should go. Not to miss out on opportunities ’cause I’m waiting on someone to experience them with me. So that’s what I told LG. When I finished, she hollered “preach Mama!” and told me she wasn’t going to let the scary kids on the playground stop her from playing on the monkey bars. Rock on LG…

Anyhow, Friday night’s concert was easily in my top 5 concert experiences of all time – just fabulous! My complete list?

1. Prince – Memphis, 1997

2. Prince – Biloxi, MS, 1999

3. Anthony Hamilton – Jackson, MS 2013

4. The O’Jays – Riverfest, Little Rock, AR…can’t remember the year

5. Frankie Beverly and Maze – UAPB Homecoming…can’t remember the year…or anything else 🙂

What was the last concert you went to? How was it? Who are you going to see next? Who is on your Top 5 concerts of all time list?

My Heart Is Full

1.  The Personhood Amendment did not pass! As a rape survivor, as a woman, as a mother to a girl-child I am over the moon with joy that our choices as it relates to our reproductive rights are still intact in the state of Mississippi.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on this controversial movement – I’m just ecstatic that more people agreed with me than the opposing side last night!  Hell, I might start taking birth control pills just because I can!!!

2.  Heavy D died yesterday.  I remember when people my parents grew up listening to would die and how shocked and distraught they’d seem.  I never thought it was that big a deal – these were “old” people after all.  Well, now someone that I grew up listening to and admiring is gone at the age of 44 and I know exactly how they felt.  I’ve always like Heavy’s music – fun, positive joints that got and kept you on the dance floor.  I loved watching him on TV – particularly on Living Single, and I appreciated his guest appearances on other artists’ songs – especially Janet Jackson’s “Alright!” Diddly diddly dee indeed.  RIP.

Happy Friday!!!

  • I have a friend who I love dearly that drives me batty.  She cares way too much about what other people say/think about her.  She’s 37.  I wish I could give her a big old box full of “I don’t give a damn” for her next birthday.
  • My child has requested a fur vest.  What y’all think?  Should I get her a fake fur and let her rock it?  Yea or nay?
  • I love P.interest.
  • My pastor has started opening the floor for questions at the end of Bible study.  I wish he’d close it back.  There are some…interesting questions floating around in the minds of my fellow church members.
  • I don’t like selling stuff.  At all.  Ever.  Lovegirl’s in the midst of two fund raisers – one for school, one for Girl Scouts.  I’m going to order two or three things from each and be done with it.
  • For Barista:  Nope, we no longer have a dog.  Used to have a Pomeranian.  One night I let him out and then I promptly fell asleep.  Haven’t seen him since.
  • Did y’all know The T.ime is now a whole new group called The O.riginal 7ven?  I don’t get it…
  • My birthday is Sunday.  I’ve decided to celebrate my birthday (October 9) by performing 9 random acts of kindness.  I totally stole this idea from someone, but I love it, so I’m doing it!
  • Happy 1st anniversary to Pserendipity and Tim.  They’re probably the only anniversary I’ll ever be able to remember other than our own.  Shout out to them for marrying on my birthday.  I’m totally sure that’s why they picked that date…
  • To commemorate this weekend’s game, I did my first ever tape manicure last night.  Turned out pretty good – not the neatest paint job, but eh.  I’ll definitely be doing this again – with a more subtle color palette 🙂

Repping those Golden Lions of UAPB! Roar Lions roar!










Hope you have a lovely weekend – I plan on having a blast!!!


It All Boils Down To This

* It seems like there’s a whole lot of nothing and everything going on in my little world right now.
* I’ve been teaching the 2nd grade class at Vacation Bible School this week. Next year? I’m donning gloves and handing out hot dogs and chips! I kid, I kid. I’ve actually rather enjoyed working with the kiddos. But please don’t tell anyone. It’ll ruin whatever rep I have left!
* One little boy asked me how old I was. I asked him how old he thought I was. “You could be 20, you could be 60. You’ve got a lot of gray hair, so I can’t really tell.” o_O
* I didn’t pledge a thing in college. Didn’t pledge a thing grad chapter. But everytime I hear “A.tomic D.og?” I may or may not start to stroll like I pledged Que back in Spring ’90.  Just me?
* This is totally TMI, but I now fully understand why God sent one of the plagues He did to the Egyptians.  Straight misery.
* Have I mentioned lately how much I’m enjoying my new job?  In addition to working in the field of Bioethics which I’m over the moon about, my boss is awesome, I’ve already mentioned my office (yay!) and my favorite perk ever – we can wear jeans on Friday!  To quote my favorite kid, “booya!” 
* Have I also mentioned the frequency with which my old department is calling me?  I wish I were just a skosh meaner.  But, I’m trying not to completely burn heavily singed bridges!
* Thanks to KRock, my family Lovegirl is now demanding these little cheesy bits of goodness on a nightly basis.  So not happening, but they are really quick and easy and I’d definitely recommend trying them.  Added bonus:  I now have a mini muffin pan so I can bake cute little muffins, eat 6 of them and convince myself that’s not the same as eating one huge one 🙂
* Representative W.einer?  A dumbass.
* Looking forward to escaping to California’s more temperate climate and soon!  These 100 degree temps are no joke.  Thankfully we got rain last night and we’ve now cooled down to the 90’s.  Now watch – a heatwave will sweep Cali just in time for our trip.
* Lovegirl has really been lobbying hard for a DS, but I think I’m going to buy her a cheapo tablet instead – she’d be able to do so much more with it.  I’ve heard CVS has a decent one for $99.   Anybody have one that’s not an iPad?  Whaddya think?

That’s it.  I’ve got to get back to work.  Oh yeah, don’t forget we’re discussing Miss Black America on Monday.  It’s a really quick read.  I started it Monday and finished it yesterday on my lunch hour.  So get down on it if you haven’t already!  Have a great day!


So cute! So tasty! These are "overdone" according to the recipe. We couldn't tell...


Dancing, Dancing, Dancing, Dancing Machiiiiiine

So Friday night Lovegirl and I headed out to my friend T’s surprise birthday party.  I’d been worried about finding a sitter for Lovegirl, but T’s husband assured me that he’d rented two rooms – one for the kiddos and one for the adults – and it would be fine to bring her along.

The kid’s room was decorated with streamers, balloons, plastic tablecloths and there were oodles of games and activities for the kids.  The adult’s room was dimly lit with round tables, floral centerpieces and a DJ.  Loved it!

So after people started showing up – around 9 for a surprise party that was supposed to start at 8 – the adults and children separated.  I went over to the grown folks’ side, sat down, and started popping my fingers.  Pretty soon the DJ decided to get folks on the floor and played the Wobble.  After that, the Cupid Shuffle.  Let me just take a moment to say – I am out of shape!  I don’t know if he had extended remix versions or what, but I was tired after two measly line dance songs.  He then threw on the Zydeco Bounce which I’d never heard before, but now know how to do.  Then.  Oh then.  He put on a song by Little Noo Noo (a local artist) and all of a sudden the room was filled with little kids sliding, dipping, and clapping.  All the little kids except…Lovegirl.  While all the other kids were following Little Noo Noo’s directions to a T, Lovegirl was, well, Lovegirl was floating around the dance floor doing what looked like a mixture of praise dancing and modern dance a la Alvin Ailey.

Everybody at my table was cracking up and talking about “well, you can tell which one doesn’t go to Jackson Public Schools.” I had flashbacks of being the only cousin who didn’t know how to do the Butterfly…

Pretty soon Lovegirl realized that she was jamming a little differently than the other children.  She came over and asked me to teach her the dance.  Child please.  I’ve never even heard this song before – I surely don’t know how to do the dance.  She went back to floating around the floor.  On our way home she asked me to learn the Little Noo Noo so I could teach it to her.  Sigh.

What’s a mama to do?  Pull that son of a gun up on YouTube and get to teaching of course.  So, if you’re wondering what Lovegirl and I will be doing for the next few evenings – after homework and before bath time, we’ll be learning the Little Noo Noo. Well, technically she’ll be learning it, I’ll be directing her moves.

Join us?

*I just discovered the child’s name is Lil Noo Noo. Consider this entry edited 🙂

Funked Out With A Gangsta Twist

  • RIP to Nathaniel Hale BKA Nate Dogg.  This dude sang some of the best hooks in rap IMHO – who else could sing about hoes in different area codes and make it sound so good??  And don’t get me started on Regulate – one of my favorites.  I don’t like all rap, but I like a lot of it and Nate Dogg was the voice that took many of the songs I like to the next level.
  • Yesterday was Scramble Day in the world of medical education.  Those graduating seniors who didn’t match with a residency program anywhere scramble to find a spot – any spot – somewhere.  We were on the phone all day long breaking hearts by telling folks we didn’t have any available spots.  I cannot imagine going through four years of medical school just to find out that I didn’t match anywhere, that I had to scramble for a position, that any position I get is only for a year, and that I’d have to do it all over again next year.  Whew.
  • My phone died again – touch screen went out.  I bought a cheapo replacement.  No me gusta.  Does anyone have a V.erizon phone that’s not “smart”?  What kind? I really don’t want to pay for a data package just to get a good phone…even though I think that’s what I’m going to end up having to do 😦
  • Remember my self-imposed month long ban on exclamation points?  Yeah, it’s over – I know when to admit defeat.  I can’t do it no mo’.  I need, I crave, I want excessive punctuation.
  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • OMG – I watched RHOM for the first – and probably last – time last night.  What is up with the excessive plastic surgery that one chick’s mom has oh-so-obviously had?  She looks like that chick who’s famous for overdoing the surgeries.  I think the docs who agree to eff up people’s faces/bodies like that should have their licenses revoked.  Luther was not referencing plastic surgery when he sang “Never Too Much!”
  • How the hell is C.harlie Sheen selling out tours????

That’s it!  I hope you make it over the Hump with no drama!  Enjoy your day!

Oooh Oooh And I Like It

So yeah, didn’t have an exciting weekend to come back and impress y’all with.  Had a good one though.  Lovegirl did…okay in her Children’s Choir debut.  She swayed, clapped and sang through the first two songs.  On the third song she added the requisite tears.  But she wants to sing again next month, so I’ll consider it a success.  Yesterday’s sermon was really really good.  Pastor spoke on falling in love with Christ all over again – really timely and relevant for me.  And Smoochy’s been to church two Sundays in a row.  Which is nothing short of a miracle.  Seriously.

So what shall I blog about?  How about 5 6 things I’ve really been digging lately:

This recipe for chai concentrate.  I made it for the first time this weekend and will get at least 6 cups of chai out the deal.  And since it only cost me about $2.00 (I bought the spices from the bulk section of the health food store) it is way more cost effective than a $4 chai from the coffee stand every few days.  It is a little weak for me, so I’ll tweak the recipe – let it steep longer, use a little less water, etc., but this is definitely a keeper!

MAC’s “O” lipstick.  Best every day color ever.  Wish I could find a less expensive dupe – anybody know of one?

N.ike’s NTC training app.  Free?  Check.  A variety of workouts?  Check.  Hard as heck?  Check.  Between this and J.illian, I’mma be right!  Sooner or later.

Chimes ginger chews.  Sweet heat goodness.  Love them!

T.arget cardigans.  They’re inexpensive, come in a wide range of colors and I’ve found them to wear and wash quite well. 

T.rick D.addy.  I guess I’m having some sort of flashback but lately T.rick D.addy has been in heavy rotation.  Baby ’cause I’m a thug!!  All day every day!!  Except for the fact that I’m totally not.

In the spirit of AR Gal, I leave you with another T.rick D.addy classic…

‘Cause I’m Versatile

Look what I won!  K Rock over at “Don’t get excited…” bestowed this on me a moment (or two) ago and since I was in the middle of the blog challenge – which I’ve obviously dropped out of – I never blogged about it.  My bad.

First – many thanks to K Rock – I appreciate you!  Second – my apologies to K Rock for taking so long to thank you.  Third – well, there is no third, but second seemed like a weird place to stop.

Anyhow, I’m versatile and now I’ve got an award to prove it!  I’m supposed to tell y’all 7 random facts about myself.  I don’t know what y’all don’t know by now, so I’m going to have to dig deep for these bad boys, but here goes:

1.  I hate mayonnaise.  I’ll eat it in tuna or chicken salad, but that’s about it. 

2.  I am shocked – yes shocked – at how easy weight is to gain and how hard it is to lose as I’ve grown older.  Who knew?  I thought I’d be a beanpole all the days of my life.  Not so much.  I really think my mama should’ve told me this!

3.  Little Miss Sunshine is a hilarious movie to me.

4.  I think the idea of a permanent wedding ring is a little…dull.  So far I’ve had two.  I saw a band the other day that just might be #3.

5.  I have never worked a job that actually required 40 hours of work a week.  Yes, I work 40 hour/week jobs.  But really?  I could get a month’s worth of work done in 2 days.  Three tops.  Thank God for the internet and text messaging!

6.  I have useless ESP.  Have I mentioned this?  Just yesterday I kept thinking about a birthday party I went to with my parents last time I was home.  Guess who my parents spent yesterday with?  Yep, the birthday boy.  Totally useless.

7.  I’m really quite pissed that I missed Friday’s Too Short concert.  Smoochy thought I was kidding, but I really wanted to go.  And if my friendgirl’s kids hadn’t gotten sick?  Yep, I’dda been right there fake c.r.i.p. walking and repping the west coast.  With all the other almost-forty-years old gangsta nerds!

I’m supposed to tag some folks.  But don’t want to exclude anyone.  So I tag…everyone!  Yeah, if you haven’t done this, and you read my blog I’m pretty sure you’re versatile and I’d love to read 7 randoms about you.  So get to getting!

Happy Monday!

Drumroll please…introducing me.

My name is Nerd Girl and I’m a Libra.  I can’t believe people used to introduce themselves like that.  Anyhoo…

I am a 37 year old wife and mother – one count each.  I’ve got three younger brothers, 3 nieces, 1 nephew, a niece/nephew on the way, and two wonderfully nutty parents who’ve been married for 39 years (I think).

California born and bred, Arkansas educated, Mississippi’s been home for the last 11 years.

I met my hubby (aka Smoochy) in our college pharmacology class way back in 1993 when I was a mere lass of 21.  We dated for a long arse time and finally tied the knot in May, 1999.  We enjoyed life as a married couple for a long arse time and finally had our first and only kiddo (aka Lovegirl) in September 2004.

I wrangle 3rd year medical students for a living and have a nasty habit of going back to school when I get bored.  I just finished my 2nd master’s degree and am thinking about getting another one (MBA?) or biting the bullet and finding a PhD program somewhere to enroll in.

I’m a stan for Prince, find most old music quite delightful, and am thinking about learning how to dougie so that I can teach Lovegirl.

I stopped perming my hair when the kiddo was about 8 months old, locked it up maybe a year later and have loved nearly every moment of not having a head full of chemicals.  I am not, however, a natural hair nazi and there are times when I consider – ever so briefly – cutting my locs and straightening my ‘do.

I love to read, travel, and sleep.  Not necessarily in that order.  I love to laugh – if you can make me laugh, we’ll probably be cool for life.

I’m generally pretty laid back, but will act a fool over my sweet/sassy baby girl.

And I go to bed earlier than any grown woman should admit.  Speaking of which…good night!