Sweet Dreams are Made of This

Check your calendars…..

Okay, maybe I’m the only one checking calendars around this joint!…Anyhoo, my 21 day fast?  Almost over.  And while I realize that I am supposed to be praying more and concentrating more on my relationship with God, for the last day or so my thoughts have consistently turned to  food, glorious food! 

I was the same way last year as the end of the fast approached.  I had all these grand ideas on what my first meal after the fast would be.  In reality, the first thing I had was a piece of toast and a cup of tea with honey.  Finest breakfast ever!  I’ll probably repeat that menu this year.  And head straight to IHOP after church for a short stack and a cup of decaf.

While I am really, really, really looking forward to that piece of toast on Sunday morning, I have to say that taking the focus off of myself and what I want in order to concentrate more fully on God has been wonderful.  I feel as though our relationship has been strengthened and I am more in tune with Him…He spoke and I listened.    I spoke and He listened.  Who could ask for better?